Author:Murphy, David J.
Title:Mobile devices as platforms for sensor based AR
Publication type:Master's thesis
Publication year:2012
Pages:[10] + 62      Language:   eng
Department/School:Tietotekniikan laitos
Main subject:Informaatiotekniikka   (T-61)
Supervisor:Kaski, Samuel
Instructor:Mattila, Ville-Veikko
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Location:P1 Ark Aalto  6903   | Archive
Keywords:mobile augmented reality
sensor based
video see-through
Abstract (eng): This thesis documents aspect of the "MARA - Mobile Augmented Reality Applications" project developed at Nokia Research Center from August 2004 until December 2006 which I participated in with project lead Markus Kähäri, and the related continuation work from June 2008 to June 2009.

The resulting functioning monocular, video see-through, sensor based, mobile augmented reality system presented here was to our knowledge the first such AR system.
Real-world feasibility and pitfalls are discussed, with analysis of performance accuracy carried out by Markus Kähäri in 2005 and the results of user tests of the application, indicating its accuracy and performance are sufficient to annotate buildings and crudely determine the position of a friend running the same application.

The application resulting from this work was demonstrated at ISMAR 2006, and again at ISMAR 2008 when ported to run on an entirely off-the-shelf solution.
The basic system was used to explore potential mixed-reality interactions resulting in workshop papers at MobileHCI 2009 and Pervasive 2010, and a poster at IEEE VR 2010.
INSSI record number: 45380
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