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Author:Yin, Junxi
Title:Implementation of Floating Content Service
Publication type:Master's thesis
Publication year:2012
Pages:[9] + 68      Language:   eng
Department/School:Tietoliikenne- ja tietoverkkotekniikan laitos
Main subject:Tietoverkkotekniikka   (S-38)
Supervisor:Ott, Jörg
Electronic version URL:
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Location:P1 Ark Aalto  1590   | Archive
Keywords:Delay-Tolerant Networking
floating content
opportunistic communication
Abstract (eng): Traditional Internet technology makes a series of assumptions which may not exist in some cases especially in the challenged environments where some or all of those requirements are hard to meet.
In addition, Internet-based communications face the privacy and data security issues simply because the data is essential to be sent to and maintained in a centralized infrastructure.

DTN, by contrast, supports frequently interrupted communications by introducing a Store-and-Forward message switching mechanism: intermediate node keeps the bundle in its persistent storage and waits for a better opportunity to forward it at a later time to another custody node or directly to the final destination if reachable.
Floating Content, as a DTN-based localized information sharing service exclusively dependent on mobile phones and other mobile devices, takes advantage of wireless interfaces such as Bluetooth or WLAN to communicate in ad-hoc mode.

We evaluate Floating Content service and finally implement it into mobile platforms in the form of mobile application thus benefits the users by providing an opportunistic communication mechanism even in an extreme environment, as well, decreases the security and privacy worries to a certain extent.
INSSI record number: 45810
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