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Author:Koponen, Tomi
Title:Future Prospects in the Chinese Markets and Guidelines for Finnish Companies in Using Design Knowledge as a Tool for Success
Publication type:Master's thesis
Publication year:2015
Pages:(5) + 132 s. + liitt. 12      Language:   eng
Department/School:Perustieteiden korkeakoulu
Main subject:IDBM International Design Business Management   (TU3007)
Supervisor:Vartiainen, Matti
Instructor:Nojonen, Matti ; Salimäki, Markku
Electronic version URL:
Location:P1 Ark Aalto  9426   | Archive
Keywords:future prospects
China 2020
Design knowledge
market and growth opportunities
finnish companies
business strategy
tulevaisuuden skenaariot
Kiina 2020
design tietotaito
liiketoiminnan kehittäminen
suomalaisyritysten kasvumahdollisuudet
liiketoiminnan strategiat
Abstract (eng):Purpose - This research aims to reveal business opportunities for Finnish companies through explorative analysis of the Chinese future markets, within the timeframe from present to year 2020.
The research uses also design driven approach as a core framework and analytical setting throughout its analysis.
The purpose of the design driven approach is to focus more on human- centric approaches rather than following frequently used business centric frameworks.

Design/methodology/approach - This study provides a comprehensive overview and an explorative analysis of future prospects of Chinese markets in addition to holistic and general information about tools, methods and mind-sets used under design knowledge framework.
The dataset for the study was gathered through various Internet sources, such as academic papers, consulting reports, institutional researches, news and twelve in-depth interviews, and the set was analysed by using the design framework as basis of analytical thinking.

Findings - Despite the many challenges, China will have a huge business opportunities in its future, especially within the areas of private consumption, urbanization and sustainable solutions.
The biggest difficulty found through the study was Finns immaturity to meet true needs of Chinese markets and thus, the design knowledge provides a suitable framework to start their business enhancement procedures.

Research limitations/implications - Although the research contains a broad and wide-ranging overlook, it still lacks the in-depth analysis of narrow sectors under the research topic and therefore the study acts more as a starting point to generate more detailed academic questions and researches rather than being an all-inclusive encyclopedia.
In addition, the research examines future issues and it cannot be taken as granted that the shared information will be valid in longer time perspectives and thus the research should be consider more as a projecting analysis.

Practical implications - The research acts as a proper starting manual for personnel who are in charge of projects to improve the future performance of Finnish companies.
In addition, the research provides a comprehensive information package to all who are interested in design driven approaches and China's development.

Originality/value - This work challenges the traditional business thinking and market analysis by focusing on Chinese future market prospects throughout design driven framework.
The study emphasizes the role of the customer as the core entity behind all business actions and therefore the study will share a human-centric approach to discover the tomorrows' opportunities
INSSI record number: 51979
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