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Author:Ingale, Saurabh
Title:Enhancing the value of early stage prototyping in product development
Publication type:Master's thesis
Publication year:2016
Pages:(4) + 50 s. + liitt. 9      Language:   eng
Department/School:Insinööritieteiden korkeakoulu
Main subject:Machine Design   (k3001)
Supervisor:Ekman, Kalevi
Instructor:Ekman, Kalevi
Electronic version URL:
Location:P1 Ark Aalto  3854   | Archive
Keywords:product development
early stage
Abstract (eng):Any product development is riddled with obstacles.
Establishing a process enables tackling these problems in a systematic manner.
The contemporary development process is Dynamic and multidisciplinary.
Use of prototypes since very early on in the process can potentially Make the process more dynamic and effective.
Prototypes help in verification and refining the idea.
A prototype can also be a very effective communication media between the various stakeholders.

To get the full benefit of prototypes it is necessary to define what prototype is.
Any physical representation of idea from a simple sketch to pre-production versions can be considered to be a prototype.
The early stage prototypes, the low resolution and mock-ups can prove to be the most helpful if used correctly.
The prototypes can be in the realms of technology, engineering and Human aspects, which come under design.

To assess the effect of prototyping an experiment in form of PD6 workshop was conducted.
The Experiment was inconclusive, the reasons for that have been discussed.
With the right knowledge and techniques using prototypes since the very beginning can make the Development process efficient and effect and reduce the chance of failure.
INSSI record number: 53686
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