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Author:Wang, Xiaoyang
Title:J2EE Application Server deployment and performance optimization for Enterprice Application Server
Publication type:Master's thesis
Publication year:2009
Pages:[8] + 92      Language:   eng
Department/School:Tietoliikenne- ja tietoverkkotekniikan laitos
Main subject:Tietoverkkotekniikka   (S-38)
Supervisor:Manner, Jukka
Instructor:Salonen, Pasi
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Location:P1 Ark TKK  2531   | Archive
Keywords:J2EE Application Server
Abstract (eng): Application server is key middleware in the three-tier architecture based enterprise application network.
It is a platform on which enterprise applications could be deployed, integrated and executed on.
J2EE application server is one of the most popular solutions among numerous types of application servers for the deployment of enterprise application network.

The aim of this thesis is to realize enterprise application deployment with one J2EE application server product and to optimize performance through the testing and analysis of runtime performance data.

The thesis briefly introduces the definition and capabilities of the application server.
Three application server solutions based on different technologies are presented and evaluated As the target of this thesis, the main technologies of three versions of the J2EE application server are examined to understand its basic functionalities In addition, WebSphere Application Server which is one of the most mature J2EE application severs, is employed for closing investigation A test enterprise application network environment is setup with the WebSphere Application Server and other interrelated servers.

In the experimental part of the thesis, the runtime load and performance of the tested server is observed by monitoring tools while simulation of the tested application is executed by multiple Web clients.
After tuning and analyzing the testing results, an optimized solution for deployment is proposed.
INSSI record number: 38105
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