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Author:Elsakka, Amr
Title:Multifunctional Reflectionless Metasurfaces
Publication type:Master's thesis
Publication year:2016
Pages:36+7      Language:   eng
Department/School:Sähkötekniikan korkeakoulu
Main subject:Radio Science and Engineering   (S3012)
Supervisor:Tretyakov, Sergei
Instructor:Asadchy, Viktar
Electronic version URL:
Location:P1 Ark Aalto  3862   | Archive
Abstract (eng):Engineering reflection and transmission of electromagnetic waves is very important in a wide range of applications; that is why there is always a continuous need for new solutions that are more efficient and flexible.
Here, design and realization of a single-layer meta-transmitarray (metasurface) which provides a certain functionality in a narrow frequency band while remains reflectionless (transparent) outside of the operational frequency band is presented.

Metasurfaces are structures that represent composites comprising two-dimensional arrays of electrically small elements that are electrically and magnetically polarizable.
Realizing such transmitarrays would allow integrating several metasurfaces in composite structures that perform different functionalities at different frequencies, opening a door for various new applications.

This Master's thesis provides a theoretical analysis for possible alternative ways to realize such a metasurface.
Two designs for metasurfaces that demonstrate abilities for wavefront shaping and anomalous refraction are introduced here as well.
Numerical simulations for the two proposed designs as well as testing one of them experimentally are also presented.
Moreover, a promising approach to design multifunctional cascaded metasurfaces that provide different operations at different frequencies is proposed and numerically tested.
INSSI record number: 53556
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