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Author:Ojala, Janne Oskari
Title:Interoperability in computer aided design
Publication type:Master's thesis
Publication year:2013
Pages:65 s. + liitt. 3      Language:   eng
Department/School:Koneenrakennustekniikan laitos
Main subject:Koneensuunnitteluoppi   (Kon-41)
Supervisor:Juhanko, Jari
Instructor:Buda, Andrea
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Location:P1 Ark Aalto  4832   | Archive
computer aided design
computer aided tools
simulation based design
pro engineer
MSC Adams
Abstract (eng): Interoperability is an obstacle in efficient use of computer aided tools.
Having to redo work previously done in some other software is inefficient and error prone.
Non-interoperable tools incentivize users to avoid doing the right thing.
In the best case scenario this is a major annoyance.
In the worst case scenario there are serious cost implications, because the product is not optimized properly.

The problem is often made sound much worse than it is.
The tools needed are available, but are not widely known and deployed beyond very large aeronautical and automotive companies.
This thesis shows that one can extend existing translators to connect Pro Engineer to MSC Adams.
This makes it possible to use both applications together to verify and optimize a model.
All that is needed is a small set of extra data that the current formats do not support.
This allows extra manual work to be eliminated and simulations to run unattended.

This thesis also demonstrates that when one automates the task of building simulations, then one can use the simulation software to rank, verify and optimize designs.
This frees engineers to work on higher value tasks.
It also ensures that the optimization task uses scientifically motivated convergence criteria in choosing the solution.
INSSI record number: 47391
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