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Author:Petersen, Mikael
Title:Mobiililaitteiden ja internetpalveluiden käyttökokemusten analyysi Maaseudun Terveys- ja Lomahuolto ry:n asiakaskunnan puitteissa
Analysis of user experience of mobile devices and internet services among the customers of Maaseudun Terveys- ja Lomahuolto ry
Publication type:Master's thesis
Publication year:2015
Pages:89 s. + liitt. 39      Language:   fin
Department/School:Sähkötekniikan korkeakoulu
Main subject:Käyttäjäkeskeinen teknologia   (S3018)
Supervisor:Kilkki, Kalevi
Instructor:Kilkki, Kalevi
Electronic version URL:
Location:P1 Ark Aalto  3039   | Archive
Keywords:mobile devices
user experience
age group
mobile operators
Abstract (eng):The ever increasing use of handheld devices and mobile services has significantly ifl‚uenced people's daily lives and how they interact.

The purpose of this work was to study how the users of Maaseudun Terveys- ja Lomahuolto ry's website use mobile devices and diff€erent digital services as well as the problems occurring when using them.
The objective was also to find out whether age has any infl‚uence on the user experience of these devices.

This study is based on a digital questionnaire send to the website's users as well as on relevant literature, earlier studies and available statistics.

In the answers to the questionnaire the positive attitude of the age group above 65 years towards learning new skills was noteworthy.
It is therefore important that the society can provide this group relevant education.
One of the most occurring problems with the use of mobile devices was related to mobile operators.
The problems were mainly related to phone calls and mobile internet.
The goal of the operators should be to improve the functioning of their mobile networks and to ensure the networks cover also remote areas.
Surprisingly many of the participants in the study did not have any virus, firewall or malware protection.
More focus should therefore be placed on data security and the necessity of protection should be clearly emphasised.

Relatively many respondents had problems using their mobile devices versatilely.
The manufactures of these devices should focus more on the understandability of their user manuals and the user friendliness of their devices.
INSSI record number: 52081
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