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Author:Baarman, Kurt
Title:Thermal characterization of vertically stacked chips
Termisk karakterisering av staplade mikrokretsar
Publication type:Master's thesis
Publication year:2008
Pages:66      Language:   eng
Department/School:Informaatio- ja luonnontieteiden tiedekunta
Main subject:Mekaniikka   (Mat-5)
Supervisor:Stenberg, Rolf
Instructor:Lyly, Mikko
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Location:P1 Ark T80     | Archive
Keywords:chip stack
electronics cooling
finite element
heat load
personal electronics
thermal management
thermal strain
bärbar elektronik
finita element
staplad mikrokrets
termisk last
termisk reglering
termisk spänning
Abstract (eng): In this master's thesis, we review several thermal management solutions for stacked chips in portable electronics.
We simulate the cooling benefits of potential thermal management solutions.
Furthermore, we investigate the effect of stack layout, stacking order, and distributed power dissipation regions on the temperature.

We design a chip stack based on the design guidelines discovered in the initial investigation.
Then we calculate the in-stack thermal strain induced by the temperature distribution for this stack.
We conclude that proper stack design can provide considerable reduction of maximum stack temperature.
While the maximum temperature of a 2 W-stack designed without consideration of thermal management can exceed 95 °C,the maximum in-stack operational temperature is below 85 °C for the stack design in the Nokia Virtual Thermal Test Environment.
INSSI record number: 35903
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