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Author:Bai, Xiaole
Title:Investigation and analysis of multi-class routing algorithms for IP networks
Tutkimus IP-verkon moniluokkareititysalgoritmeista
Publication type:Master's thesis
Publication year:2003
Pages:ix + 54      Language:   eng
Department/School:Sähkö- ja tietoliikennetekniikan osasto
Main subject:Tietoverkkotekniikka   (S-38)
Supervisor:Kantola, Raimo
Instructor:Zhang, Peng
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Location:P1 Ark TKK  374   | Archive
palvelun laatu
luokkakohtainen reititys
Abstract (eng):Multi-Class Routing (MCR) is to route different traffic classes using different routing metrics or routing algorithms, while Single-Class Routing (SCR) routes different traffic classes using the same routing metric or algorithm.
The optimal MCR scheme in fixed IP networks and relative analyses are investigated in this thesis.

We investigate and analyze the cost function based optimal capacity allocation in MCR when source routing is used.
A novel cost function is proposed for low-level traffic optimization when the capacities of links for each traffic class are fixed.
Further more, a heuristic way is introduced for allocating capacity dynamically.
Simulations are made and we investigate the results from our heuristic method.

Then, the BE class optimization problem (BECOP) is defined in MCR and a novel MCR scheme is introduced when hop-by-hop routing is considered.
A simplified traffic model for SCR and MCR is introduced here and some analyses are made based on it.
We furthermore explore the proper routing algorithms by simulations to find the best combination of routing algorithms used for different traffic classes.
According to our analysis and simulations, MCR performs better than Single Class Routing (SCR) on most conditions.
INSSI record number: 19862
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