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Author:Nemlander, Niklas
Title:Enhancement and utilization of a contract manufacturer's value proposition to it's OEM customers
Publication type:Master's thesis
Publication year:2011
Pages:111 + [31]      Language:   eng
Department/School:Koneenrakennustekniikan laitos
Main subject:Teollisuustalous   (TU-22)
Supervisor:Lillrank, Paul
Instructor:Mattsson, Juha
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Location:P1 Ark Aalto     | Archive
Keywords:contract manufacturer
original equipment manufacturer
business model
Abstract (eng): Customer orientation and value creation are argued to be central parts of a company's business strategy.
When dealing with original equipment manufacturers (OEM) ones sales argumentation, value creation and pricing need to be adapted to a situation where the customer isn't the end user of the product.
How can a multisaleschannel company continuously improve and focus ones value offering towards these essential customers?

This thesis aims to trough a case study and thorough literature review identify the different value elements related to trade between a contract manufacturer (CM) and its OEM customers.

This thesis summarizes all relevant value related literature after which it through a descriptive, exploratory case study strives to conceptualize CM-OEM trade related value enhancers.
Through a thorough empirical study recommendations regarding value enhancement for contract manufacturers is developed and given to the case company behind this thesis.

From an academic perspective the study provides valuable aspects of OEM characteristics and CM value enhancement in OEM related business.
INSSI record number: 43272
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