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Author:Li, Yanli
Title:A Database-driven XML-based Application on Mobile Devices
Publication type:Master's thesis
Publication year:2005
Pages:(12) + 107 s. + liitt. 9      Language:   eng
Department/School:Tietotekniikan osasto
Main subject:Tietokoneverkot   (T-110)
Supervisor:Vuorimaa, Petri
Instructor:Pajunen, Juuso
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Location:T     | Archive
Keywords:mobile application
Web services
Web application
smart client application
Abstract (eng):The focus of this Thesis is the technologies and considerations in developing modern mobile applications. It includes both theoretical studies and practical experience. It introduces first the concepts of Web services (WS) technique, as an implementation of Service-Oriented Architecture. Then, the technologies in developing mobile Web applications and smart client applications are studied closely. They include the architectures of mobile applications, the mark-up languages mobile devices support, and content authoring technologies for Web applications.

A WS-centric model with two approaches, a mobile Web application and a smart client application, is designed, implemented, and evaluated. The applications assist end-users to access their digital data, which resides on the back-end server. In developing the Web services and the two applications, .NET technologies, including ASP.NET, .NET Framework, and .NET Compact Framework, are used and examined. They provide a smooth shift from desktop development to mobile development.
INSSI record number: 28979
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