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Author:Valkila, J.
Haaparanta, P.
Niemi, N.
Title:Empowering coffee traders? The coffee value chain from Nicaraguan fair trade farmers to Finnish consumers
Journal:Journal of Business Ethics
2010 : DEC I, VOL. 97:2, p. 257-270
Index terms:consumers
fair trading
retail pricing
coffee industry
Freeterms:value chains
Abstract:This study explores the distribution of benefits from Fair Trade (here as: FT.) btw. producing and consuming countries.
FT. and conventional coffee production and trade are examined in Nicaragua in 2005-2006 and 2008. Consumption of the respective coffees is evaluated in Finland from 2006 to 2009. It is found that consumers paid notably more for FT.-certified coffee than for the other available alternatives. Despite FT. provided price premiums to producer organizations, a larger share of the retail prices remained in the consuming country relative to conventional coffee trade.
SCIMA record nr: 276532
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