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Tekijä:Traverso, Davide
Työn nimi:Strategic environmental management of chemical, electrical and green building standards among machinery manufacturers supplying to building industry
Sivut:97      Kieli:   eng
Koulu/Laitos/Osasto:Tuotantotalouden laitos
Oppiaine:Teollisuustalous   (TU-22)
Valvoja:Eloranta, Eero
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Sijainti:P1 Ark Aalto  8211   | Arkisto
Tiivistelmä (eng): The present master thesis has two scopes: providing a theoretical overview on environmental standards in the building related infrastructural machinery, such as air conditioning, electrical appliances, fresh and waste water systems, elevators and escalators, building related ICT systems, etc. and to design alternatives to integrate standards into business practices.
Nowadays, the European Union, North America, and Asia are using standards with the scope to protect the environment in those areas where potential hazardous substances can be used.
To present the material in a proper way, the master thesis is divided into four parts: an introduction, the theoretical section, the empirical part, and conclusions.
The layout aims at improving the readability of the whole thesis by simplifying it.

Standards investigated are concerned with buildings, chemical elements, and electronic/electrical components.
In relation to building standards, a wide literature bonded in-house in the building related infrastructural machinery's industrial environment about LEED from the USA, BREEAM from the UK, CASABEE from Japan, and Green Star from Australia has led the attention towards minor standards in the Asiatic market: Green Mark from Singapore and the Green Building Index from Malaysia.
The choice was made due to the growing importance of the Asiatic market.
In relation to hazardous chemical elements, there is a common standard which is currently utilized in nowadays' business, called REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorization & Restriction of Chemicals).
On the other hand, electronic/electrical components are restricted by RoHS (Restriction of Hazardous Substances).
Both REACH and RoHS are currently used in Europe, with the current attempt to provide solutions to the Asiatic market as well.

The theoretical material presented in the second part of the thesis has been integrated with an empirical section in the third part.
Speculations about a possible current situation in the industrial sector and options related to the possibility to smooth the constant updating of standards' information throughout the utilization of software have been carried out.
Main product lifecycle management (PLM) software have been taken into account as much as the possibility to collect information on Excel spreadsheets or to create an in-house software from cradle to grave.
Among PLM solutions, two software have been taken into account: PTC Windchill Analytics and AutoDesk PLM 360.
The first one represents a solution well positioned in the building related infrastructural machinery's business field while the second represents a valid alternative due to its main feature of being software in the clouds.
Options have been assessed to draw upon a feasible conclusion which might ignite further interest in the building related infrastructural machinery's business field.
INSSI tietueen numero: 45438
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