haku: @keyword software / yhteensä: 57
viite: 13 / 57
Tekijä: | Saifi, Hosai |
Työn nimi: | Integration of building information modeling and finite element analysis in bridge engineering |
Julkaisutyyppi: | Diplomityö |
Julkaisuvuosi: | 2012 |
Sivut: | 91 + [20] Kieli: eng |
Koulu/Laitos/Osasto: | Rakennustekniikan laitos |
Oppiaine: | Sillanrakennustekniikka (Rak-11) |
Valvoja: | Salokangas, Lauri |
Ohjaaja: | Laaksonen, Anssi ; Heikkilä, Rauno |
OEVS: | Sähköinen arkistokappale on luettavissa Aalto Thesis Databasen kautta.
Ohje Digitaalisten opinnäytteiden lukeminen Aalto-yliopiston Harald Herlin -oppimiskeskuksen suljetussa verkossaOppimiskeskuksen suljetussa verkossa voi lukea sellaisia digitaalisia ja digitoituja opinnäytteitä, joille ei ole saatu julkaisulupaa avoimessa verkossa. Oppimiskeskuksen yhteystiedot ja aukioloajat: https://learningcentre.aalto.fi/fi/harald-herlin-oppimiskeskus/ Opinnäytteitä voi lukea Oppimiskeskuksen asiakaskoneilla, joita löytyy kaikista kerroksista.
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Sijainti: | P1 Ark Aalto | Arkisto |
Avainsanat: | integration FEM BIM bridge software direct and indirect link IFC analysis and design |
Tiivistelmä (eng): | Integration of data between Building Information Modelling and Finite Element Analysis software applications facilitates, intensifies and enhances design of bridges, buildings, and industrial structures. It also allows efficient optimization and better analysis of the structure in design phase. In general lots of benefits can be achieved from integrated design, both in its long and short periods. By using integrated design only one model is to be made, kept and updated in order to save time. Aim of this master's thesis is to examine interoperability of BIM and different FEA software applications by exchanging data through different ways and evaluate their results. The aim is also to test whether the information is lost during the exchange of the models between these software and if so, then what further actions should be taken. The basic idea is to illustrate at what level the interoperability of BIM and FEA software is on today and what can be done to intensify it. The interoperability between different software applications can take place in several ways among ~ which this thesis is dealing only with two of them which are exchanging of data through direct-and indirect link. The models are created in BIM software and then transferred through direct and, indirect links to FEA software. While transferring the model through direct link from BIM to FEA, the model is first changed to analysis model in BIM and then sent to FEA Software. The models are analysed in FEA software and if no further changes occur this would be the last stage otherwise the model will be sent back to BIM software. This process will be continued until a final acceptable result is obtained. Level of interoperability between applications has been tested through three examples. According to I, this work; it has been experienced that direct link between BIM and FEA software is preferred for ; intern data exchange in preference to a link through the standard format IFC (indirect link), but in return IFC can be seen as the best solution for external data exchange. In general, at the moment direct link is the best way to link two different software applications because update processes also works up to some extent quite well. The most significant disadvantage with the direct link is that a lot of links must be made, so that different applications can be able to work together. In this sense, integration through IFC link which enables the use of several different software applications from different software vendors will be preferable. As a result by exchanging data through IFC, dependency on single software application will be less and choosing specific FEA software applications for specific purposes will be easy. Thus, both the direct link and IFC are needed. At the moment through this work the interoperability between BIM and FEA software is suited for modeling simple structures. For modeling of complex structures, still some developments for the functionality of the software are needed. Some barriers are turn to be problems for integrated design and use of models. Ex. links between different software applications do not perform their best because of some technical barriers which are not the main barriers. However, lack of knowledge and economic problems are turn to be main barriers. Some consulting engineering companies either do not have much experience of integrated design in the bridge engineering field or do not want to use it because of economic problems. Some structural designers want to stick to the old manners and find it difficult to adopt new methods. It should be made clear that this thesis is not trying to condemn separate use of BIM and FEA applications, because at the moment they both play their own important role, but hopefully this thesis will inspire others to follow integrated design of models from now on or at least in the near future. Overall according to this study it is possible to obtain a reasonable result from the interoperability of BIM and FEA software applications. Although there are still some flaws and limitations, but it should not stop software developers to improve software's functionality and engineers from following new methods. |
ED: | 2013-03-11 |
INSSI tietueen numero: 45915
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