haku: @indexterm Organization theory / yhteensä: 191
viite: 15 / 191
Tekijä:Cornelissen, J.P.
Kafouros, M.
Otsikko:The emergent organization: Primary and complex metaphors in theorizing about organizations
Lehti:Organization Studies
2008 : VOL. 29:7, p. 957-978
Asiasana:organization theory
Vapaa asiasana:metaphors
Tiivistelmä:It is argued that complex metaphors (henceforth as: m-phs.) in organization (here as: org/s.) theory consist of smaller primary m-phs. or metaphorical (as: m-phal.) parts. Using examples from organization theory, it is shown a. complex m-phs. are made up of primary m-phs. often grounded in our embodied experiences as human beings, and that b. complex m-phs. can be dynamically elaborated, extended and reinterpreted in new ways. Thus, m-phal. thought emerges from primary m-phs., evolving over time. This is a perspective which is more open to changes in the social construction of org/s. than the traditional view of stable 'root' categories of m-phal. thought of the org/s. theory.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 272047
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