haku: @indexterm total quality management / yhteensä: 374
viite: 15 / 374
Tekijä:Peffers, K.
Tuunanen, T.
Otsikko:Planning for IS applications: a practical, information theoretical method and case study in mobile financial services
Lehti:Information & Management
2005 : MAR, VOL 42:3, p. 483-501
Asiasana:Total quality management
Multiple criteria decision making
Information systems
Systems analysis
Financial services
Mobile technology
Case studies
Tiivistelmä:Information theory is used in the study to justify use of a method to help managers better understand what new IT (information technology) applications and features will be most valued by users and why. The method is applied in a case study involving the development of financial service (hereafter as: f-servs.) applications for mobile devices. There are five methods reviewed for data gathering, analysis, modeling, and decision-making. They are compared with information processing methods for IS (information systems) planning. An IS planning method (which is an extended version of 'critical success chains' or CSC) is developed and used in a project to develop ideas for mobile f-servs. applications at Digia, a Finland-based R&D firm. A group of experts and potential early adopting users is selected and interviewed on preferences of particular specific features expected as part of an application. The data is analyzed across participants to create network models of features, performance, and values. An ideation workshop with Digia engineers and executives is conducted to generate ideas for new systems based on the CSC models. The paper concludes by comparing the extended CSC and other IS planning methods in terms of information theory and the information processing needs for IS planning.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 257403
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