haku: @indexterm total quality management / yhteensä: 374
viite: 16 / 374
Tekijä: | Ready, D.A. |
Otsikko: | The characteristics of great leader-builder companies |
Lehti: | Business Strategy Review
2004 : AUTUMN, VOL. 15:3, p. 36-40 |
Asiasana: | management management development total quality management leadership |
Vapaa asiasana: | best practices |
Kieli: | eng |
Tiivistelmä: | Companies wanting to do a great job of developing leaders first have to learn how to become great leader companies. This article aims to explore the characteristics (here as: chars.) of great leader-builder companies by examining the leadership (as: l-ship) development (as: dmt.) practices of several large global companies. The chars. are as: articulating l-ship dmt. as a top-level strategic priority, building outstanding human resource functions creating powerful infrastructures for l-ship dmt., rewarding and supporting next-generation leaders in multiple ways, and creating an organizational culture facilitating the dmt. of leaders. |