haku: @freeterm transformational leadership / yhteensä: 9
viite: 6 / 9
Tekijä:Menguc, B.
Auh, S.
Otsikko:Conflict, leadership and market orientation
Lehti:International Journal of Research in Marketing
2008 : MAR, VOL. 25:1 p. 34-45
market orientation
Vapaa asiasana:transformational leadership
task conflict
Tiivistelmä:In this article the authors examine in the perception of the idea that conflict is not always bad for the organization, how a specific type of leadership (i.e., transformational) impacts (a) the two dimensions of interfunctional conflict (b) market orientation and performance, and (c) the task/relational conflict-market orientation and performance relationships that allow for nonlinear effects. The topic is explored by collecting data from Australian CEOs and marketing managers. The findings from the collected data indicate that there is more complexity than previously thought on the relationship among task/relational conflict, transformational leadership, performance and market orientation.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 266767
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