haku: @freeterm procurement / yhteensä: 13
viite: 3 / 13
Tekijä:Harwood, I.
Humby, S.
Otsikko:Embedding corporate responsibility into supply: A snapshot of progress
Lehti:European Management Journal
2008 : JUN, VOL 26:3, p. 166-174
Asiasana:corporate responsibility
sustainable development
case studies
Vapaa asiasana:procurement
risk efficiency
Tiivistelmä:This paper presents the findings of a pilot study of corporate responsibility (CR) within the procurement processes of 9 large organisations, with a predominant focus on service providers and utilities. Cross-case analysis shows that the rate of CR developments and the focus of CR elements that are given priority vary significantly. A number of key issues incl. terminological complexity and CR data measurement, integrity and sharing before using force-field analysis to explore some of the key issues are discussed.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 269148
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