haku: @indexterm market segmentation / yhteensä: 478
viite: 19 / 478
Tekijä:Pulido-Fernández, J. I.
Sánchez-Rivero, M.
Otsikko:Attitudes of the cultural tourist: a latent segmentation approach
Lehti:Journal of Cultural Economics
2010 : VOL. 34:2, p. 111-129
market segmentation
consumer attitudes
Vapaa asiasana:Andalucia
cultural tourism
log-linear models
latent class analysis
Tiivistelmä:The purpose of the article is to study the influence of socioeconomic and demographic variable on the predisposition to choose cultural tourism. A new methodological approach is developed and applied to the results of a survey conducted by Andalucia's Middle Towns Initiative. In the approach, latent variables resulting from a latent class analysis are used to estimate log-linear models.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 270374
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