haku: @indexterm market segmentation / yhteensä: 478
viite: 18 / 478
Tekijä:Konu, H.
Otsikko:Identifying potential wellbeing tourism segments in Finland
Lehti:Tourism review = Revue de tourism = Zeitschrift für Tourismus
2010 : VOL. 65:2, p. 41-51
Asiasana:market segmentation
tourist industry
quality of life
life style
Nordic countries
Tiivistelmä:This paper aims to identify potential Finnish well-being tourism segments based on factors connected to tourists' lifestyles. It is also aimed at finding out whether there are statistically significant differences btw. the segments concerning demographic factors, factors related to traveling behaviour, and interests in diverse activities. The basis for the segmentation of potential tourists were activities, interests and opinions (AIO-segmentation). The data were collected from 2007 to 2008 by self-administered electronic questionnaire. Collected data from more than 1,000 sufficient responses were analyzed through factor-cluster method to group respondents into different segments. In total, six segments were identified: i. Sport and nature people interested in technology, ii. Home appreciating travellers, iii. Family and health oriented sport and nature people, iv. Culture appreciative self-developers, v. Material well-being appreciatives, and vi. Indifferent about travelling and social issues. There were found statistically significant differences btw. the segments considering geo-demographic factors, traveling habits and also interest in different activities.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 271229
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