haku: @indexterm charities / yhteensä: 122
viite: 10 / 122
Tekijä:Spence, C.
Thomson, I.
Otsikko:Resonance tropes in corporate philanthropy discourse
Lehti:Business Ethics
2009 : OCT, VOL. 18:4, p. 372-388
Asiasana:corporate philanthropy
Vapaa asiasana:CSR
Tiivistelmä:This study explores corporate charitable giving disclosures to question the extent to which corporations can claim their philanthropic activities being charitable at all. Based on a tropological analysis focusing on the different linguistic tropes within the philanthropy disclosures of over 50 companies, that is, metaphor and synecdoche, there are found a number of complex and contradictory things. From a viewpoint, corporate philanthropy is presented as a structurally incoherent discourse with implications for both extracting greater value from various societal groups and, on behalf of civil society, defining what is a worthy cause.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 270424
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