haku: @indexterm inequality / yhteensä: 285
viite: 5 / 285
Tekijä: | Krstic, G. Sanfey, P. |
Otsikko: | Earnings inequality and the informal economy |
Lehti: | Economics of transition
2011 : VOL. 19:1, p. 179-199 |
Asiasana: | informal economy labour markets employment earnings inequality surveys transition economies Central Europe Eastern Europe |
Kieli: | eng |
Tiivistelmä: | Based on data from the Living Standard Measurement Surveys, this study analyses the extent and evolution of informality (here as: inf-ty.) and inequality (as: inq-ty.) in the Serbian labour market from 2002 to 2007. There are two surprising results: 1. the level of informal employment has risen significantly over the period, despite strong economic growth and the introduction of market-oriented reforms, 2. the level of inq-ty. in earnings appears to have remained more or less constant, in contrast to the experience of other countries at a similar phase of transition. Informal employees are shown to earn significantly less than those in the formal sector. Inf-ty. plays an increasingly important role in explaining earnings inq-ty. |