haku: @indexterm inequality / yhteensä: 285
viite: 4 / 285
Tekijä: | Moritz, M. |
Otsikko: | Spatial effects of open borders on the Czech labour market |
Lehti: | Economics of transition
2011 : APR, VOL. 19:2, p. 305-331 |
Asiasana: | Czech Republic transition economies border regions labour markets employment skills pay differentials inequality models |
Vapaa asiasana: | spatial effects |
Kieli: | eng |
Tiivistelmä: | Based on data from the Czech Microcensus, the author investigates differences in the regional impact of open borders on different skill groups in the Czech labour market. The results suggests that from 1996 until 2002, the workers in the border region with the lowest degree of skills have a positive wage differential compared to their counterparts in the non-border region, while all other skill groups in the border region have negative values. |