haku: @indexterm market segmentation / yhteensä: 478
viite: 16 / 478
Tekijä:Quinn, L.
Dibb, S.
Otsikko:Evaluating market-segmentation research priorities: Targeting re-emancipation
Lehti:Journal of Marketing Management
2010 : DEC, VOL. 26:13-14, p. 1239-1255
Asiasana:market segmentation
academic research
Vapaa asiasana:managerial relevance
Tiivistelmä:This empirical study aims at debating about the degree to which theory and practice priorities are aligned in the academic market-segmentation research agenda (here as: s-r-a). Based on an online survey of academics researching and publishing in the market-segmentation field, there has been suggested little change as to these priorities (as: prts.) during the past 30 years. This reopens discussion about the slowly changing nature of the s-r-a., raising questions about the ways of research prts. being shaped by the external environment. It is further suggested that the conflicting nature of academic and practitioner requirements be a barrier to opportunities for a successful academic-practitioner interface. It is concluded that the s-r-a. has got too narrow, outlining the need to broaden the debate etc.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 272393
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