haku: @indexterm market segmentation / yhteensä: 478
viite: 15 / 478
Tekijä:Page, K.
Mapstone, M.
Otsikko:How does the web make youth feel? Exploring the positive digital native rhetoric
Lehti:Journal of Marketing Management
2010 : DEC, VOL. 26:13-14, p. 1345-1366
consumer attitudes
young people
market segmentation
Vapaa asiasana:digital marketing
Tiivistelmä:This article explores the emotional responses to the web of the Digital Native (henceforth as: D.N.), who tell how the web makes them feel and why. Content analysis and response classification uncovers a hierarchical model of emotional responses to the web expressed by the D.N. The findings suggest that a youth and web application context influence the hierarchical framework of consumer web emotions. Within a youth cohort born btw. 1990 and 1996, differences in how the web makes youth feel is identified over age groups, contesting the popular positive D.N. rhetoric often used for justifying market segmentation and digital government policy targeted at youth markets.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 272398
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