haku: @indexterm rationality / yhteensä: 141
viite: 7 / 141
Tekijä:Forsgren, M.
Holm, U.
Otsikko:MNC headquarters' role in subsidiaries' value-creating activities: A problem of rationality or radical uncertainty
Lehti:Scandinavian Journal of Management
2010 : DEC, VOL. 26:4, p. 421-430
Asiasana:multinational companies
subsidiary companies
Vapaa asiasana:headquarters
value-creating processes
Tiivistelmä:This paper examines the role of headquarters (HQ) in the value-creating processes (henceforth as: val-crt. procs.) of sub-units in the multinational corporation (MNC). This role is claimed to be dependent on how the knowledge situation of HQ is conceptualized. Two perspectives (herein as: prcp/s.) are considered: "rationality" and "radical uncertainty". There are found to be clear differences btw. the two prcp/s. concerning the possibility of HQ to shape future innovation projects, monitor these projects and contribute with own expertise. In general, the first prcp/s. is rather optimistic about these possibilities, whereas the second prcp/s. expresses that HQ involvement in the val-crt. procs. often becomes dysfunctional. It is indicated how the theoretical conflict btw. the two prcp/s. can be addressed through empirical research.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 272600
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