haku: @indexterm division of labour / yhteensä: 71
viite: 2 / 71
Tekijä: | Bühlmann, F. Elcheroth, G. Tettamanti, M. |
Otsikko: | The division of labour among European couples: The effects of life course and welfare policy on value-practice configurations |
Lehti: | European sociological review
2010 : FEB, VOL. 26:1, p. 49-66 |
Asiasana: | division of labour families gender welfare policy surveys Europe |
Vapaa asiasana: | values |
Kieli: | eng |
Tiivistelmä: | Despite egalitarian (henceforth as: e-n.) gender values' (herein as: vals.) increasing spreading among younger Europeans, division of labour does not always comply with this trend. This study proposes an approach based on the ideas that i. practices (herein as: prcs.) are the translation of values moderated by specific social structures and ii. incoherencies btw. vals. and prcs. are biographically unstable. Based on the multi-level regression analyses of data from the European Social Survey 2004, it is shown that while most of the European heterosexual couples live in coherent e-n. configurations of vals. and prcs. in their pre-parental phase, they shift to a situation of tension btw. e-n. vals. and gendered prcs. following the births of their first children. In addition, this shift's magnitude is strongly moderated by welfare policies etc. |