haku: @indexterm division of labour / yhteensä: 71
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Tekijä:Tasa, K.
Sears, G. J.
Schat, A. C. H.
Otsikko:Personality and teamwork behavior in context: the cross-level moderating role of collective efficacy
Lehti:Journal of Organizational Behavior
2011 : JAN, VOL. 32:1 p. 65-85
Asiasana:team work
industrial organization
division of labour
group decision making
organizational behaviour
organizational structure
individual behaviour
Tiivistelmä:This article investigates whether the relationship between an individual's personality and their behavior within a team is dependent on the team's overall perception of its capability. Employees were peer-rated on the extent to which they indicated interpersonal and performance management teamwork behaviors over the course of an 8-week business simulation. The personality trait of agreeableness predicted interpersonal teamwork behavior while the personality traits of conscientiousness and core self-evaluation predicted performance management behavior. Findings indicate that in teams the personality and individual behavior relationship can depend on group level confidence perceptions.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 275711
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