haku: @indexterm strategy / yhteensä: 3324
viite: 40 / 3324
Tekijä:Østergren, K.
Stensaker, I.
Otsikko:Management control without budgets: a field study of 'beyond budgeting' in practice
Lehti:European Accounting Review
2011 : VOL 20:1 p. 149-181
Asiasana:Balanced Scorecard
cost reduction
value added
oil industry
energy industry
Tiivistelmä:Instead of having budgets as the dominant instrument for management control, there have been alternative approaches in recent years such as Balanced Scorecard. These new approaches to management control attempt to respond to the shortcomings of budgets, such as being time consuming and focused on cost reduction rather than value creation. This paper examines 'beyond budgeting' in practice by focusing on how corporate level in a large multidivisional oil and energy company adopted this new approach to management control and how it was implemented in two business units. The results suggest that the means of control that are exercised in the absence of budgets alter the relationship between corporate management and division management and new lines of dependency are created between divisions.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 273053
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