haku: @indexterm crime / yhteensä: 230
viite: 4 / 230
Tekijä:Bosco, B.D.
Misani, Nicola
Otsikko:Keeping the enemies close: the contribution of corporate social responsibility to reducing crime against the firm
Lehti:Scandinavian Journal of Management
2011 : MAR, VOL. 27:1 p. 87-98
corporate responsibility
Vapaa asiasana:legitimacy
Tiivistelmä:This paper examines how corporate social responsibility can contribute to the security of the firm, looking at the mechanisms which can help a socially responsible firm to achieve outcomes - such as firm legitimacy, stakeholder satisfaction, and perception of fairness - that can be useful in reducing crimes. It is suggested that these outcomes effect on the motivation of potential offenders to act or make it more difficult for them to justify their illegal intentions; the same CSR outcomes also affect stakeholders who do not take part in criminal action but can develop attitudes and behaviors which restrict it.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 273619
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