haku: @indexterm crime / yhteensä: 230
viite: 3 / 230
Tekijä:Andresen, M.
Otsikko:The impact of accession to the European Union on violent crime in Lithuania
Lehti:European sociological review
2011 : DEC, VOL. 27:6, p. 759-771
Asiasana:European Union
transition economies
Tiivistelmä:Purpose of this article is to explore the impact of accession to the European Union on Lithuania's violent crime rates. The study concentrates on three violent crime types: rapes, murders and robberies. The study relies on panel data from Lithuanian municipalities and the data is analyzed using fixed effect models. It is found that levels of violent crime increased immediate, but later the crime rates are decreasing. Rapid social and economical change brings social disorganization and increases in criminal behavior.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 275015
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