haku: @indexterm risk analysis / yhteensä: 590
viite: 6 / 590
Tekijä:Koutmos, G.
Knif, J.
Otsikko:Exchange rate exposure in the pre- and post-Euro periods: evidence from Finland
Lehti:European Journal of Finance
2011 : AUG-SEP, VOL. 17:7-8, p. 661-674
Asiasana:Nordic countries
stock exchanges
exchange rates
risk analysis
data analysis
Vapaa asiasana:post-Euro exposure
asymmetric exposure
Finnish stock exchange (FSE)
Tiivistelmä:This article explores asymmetric as well as first- and second-moment exchange rate exposure of the Finnish stock exchange (FSE) during the pre-and post-Euro periods. There is evidence of significant market-level and residual exchange rate exposure in the pre-Euro period. In the period, following the introduction of the Euro, however, exchange rate exposure becomes insignificant both at the market level and at the individual portfolio level with minor exceptions. The author argues that introduction of the Euro has had a profound impact on the exchange rate exposure of the FSE.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 274628
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