haku: @indexterm education / yhteensä: 1254
viite: 7 / 1254
Tekijä:Besley, T.
Montalvo, J.G.
Reynal-Querol, M.
Otsikko:Do educated leaders matter?
Lehti:Economic Journal
2011 : AUG, VOL 121:554 p. F205-F227
Asiasana:economic development
Vapaa asiasana:political leaders
prime ministers
Tiivistelmä:The article researches the ways in which a political leader's education affects a nation's economic growth during that leader's time in office. The authors collected information on the educational attainment of 1,000 political leaders in 1875-2004. The negative effects of leaders' surprising exits from office, due to death or terminal illness, on economic development are discussed. The conclusions are that the higher a leader's level of educational attainment, the faster the economic growth that a country experiences.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 275339
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