haku: @indexterm industrial relations / yhteensä: 1255
viite: 11 / 1255
Tekijä:Waddington, J.
Otsikko:European works councils: the challenge for labour
Lehti:Industrial Relations Journal
2011 : NOV, VOL. 42:6 p. 508-529
Asiasana:industrial relations
performance appraisal
trade unions
Vapaa asiasana:works councils
Tiivistelmä:Based on survey findings, this article examines the quality of information and consultation at European works councils and developments in the support infrastructure available to representatives. It is emphasized that European works councils are an institution in process. As such, broad developments have been implemented to enhance their performance, but many of these will have to be extended in coverage if European work councils will be exploited to better effect by labour.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 275342
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