haku: @indexterm corporate culture / yhteensä: 1073
viite: 13 / 1073
Tekijä:Kjaergaard, A.
Morsing, M.
Ravasi, D.
Otsikko:Mediating identity: a study of media influence on organizational identity construction in a celebrity firm
Lehti:Journal of Management Studies
2011 : MAY, VOL. 48:3 p. 514-543
Asiasana:corporate culture
Vapaa asiasana:mass media
Tiivistelmä:This article concerns a longitudinal field study on the influences of positive media coverage on the reconstruction of organizational identity. The study emphasizes how strong positive coverage affects both the way employees understand their organization and the satisfaction they get from its positive representation. The results propose that positive media representations encourages employees' perceptions about an emergent new understanding of what their organization is. However, celebrity may "captivate" employees' organizational identity beliefs and understandings, and prevent further identity work.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 275537
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