haku: @indexterm corporate culture / yhteensä: 1073
viite: 12 / 1073
Tekijä:Parker, M.
Thomas, R.
Otsikko:Editorial: What is a critical journal?
2011 : JUL, VOL. 18:4, p. 419-427
Asiasana:management theory
corporate culture
citation analysis
Tiivistelmä:Special section on journal publishing and rankings, containing the following articles:
"Journal list fetishism and the perversion of scholarship: reactivity and the ABS list" by Willmott, H.
"The use and abuse of journal quality lists" by Rowlinson, M. (et. al)
"Listing perilously" by Willmott, H.
"Free-riding on power laws: questioning the validity of the impact factor as a measure of research quality in organization studies" by Baum, J.A.C.
"The skewed few: people and papers of quality in management studies" by Macdonald, S. and Kam, J.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 275651
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