haku: @journal_id 3164 / yhteensä: 183
viite: 11 / 183
Tekijä:Zyglidopoulos, S.
Fleming, P.
Otsikko:Corporate accountability and the politics of visibility in ‘late modernity’
2011 : SEP, VOL. 18:5, p. 691-706
Asiasana:business ethics
Vapaa asiasana:late modernity
Tiivistelmä:With the developments of late modernity, it is generally thought that large corporations are more visible and therefore more accountable now. This article challenges the idea and suggests that in contrary, late modernity has made corporations less accountable to their stakeholders. Specifically, globalization, increase in scientific knowledge and the nature of risk have all made concealing unethical practices easier. The article aims to demonstrate this with the use of sociological theory concerning late modernity. It also discusses political implications and possibilities for making corporations more democratically accountable.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 275539
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