haku: @indexterm Turkey / yhteensä: 331
viite: 8 / 331
Tekijä:Erkus-Öztürk, H.
Eraydin, A.
Otsikko:Environmental governance for sustainable tourism development: collaborative networks and organisation building in the Antalya tourism region
Lehti:Tourism Management
2010 : FEB, VOL. 31:1, p. 113-124
Asiasana:sustainable development
environmental protection
Tiivistelmä:This paper contains four groups of hypothesis regarding the importance of different types of environmental linkages between business and organizations at different levels. The paper offers analytical findings on the networks of environmental governance among different types of tourism organizations based on a company-level survey. The results show an increase in local collaboration and self-help networking. In addition, the findings reveal that main motivation for tourism agents to engage in network is economic not environmental.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 276011
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