haku: @indexterm consumer behaviour / yhteensä: 2688
viite: 7 / 2688
Tekijä:O'Regan, M. (et al.)
Otsikko:Optimizing market segmentation for a global mobile phone provider for both targeting and insight
Lehti:Journal of Advertising Research
2011 : DEC, VOL. 51:4, p. 571-577
Asiasana:mobile phones
market segmentation
international organizations
consumer behaviour
Tiivistelmä:This paper describes a multi-country segmentation of the mobile telephony market conducted on behalf of Mobile Telesystems (MTS) in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Uzbekistan and Armenia. Objective of the segmentation was to maintain a common framework across all countries. The study relies on combined survey and billing data.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 276589
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