haku: @journal_id 475 / yhteensä: 1037
viite: 27 / 1037
Tekijä:Mas-Ruiz, F.
Ruiz-Moreno, F.
Otsikko:Rivalry within strategic groups and consequences for performance: the firm-size effects
Lehti:Strategic Management Journal
2011 : DEC, VOL. 32:12 p. 1286-1308
Asiasana:companies by size
empirical research
organizational behaviour
organizational structure
market share
mathematical models
performance appraisal
Tiivistelmä:This article investigates how rivalry functions within strategic groups defined by the size of their member companies and how this rivalry affects performance. It is argued that strategic groups that include smaller companies will show both increased rivalry and decreased performance compared with strategic groups that comprise larger companies. This is tested by evaluating the impact of group-level strategic interactions on company performance. The analysis of empirical data on loans in the Spanish banking industry indicates that increased rivalry and decreased performance describes companies belonging to a strategic group that contains smaller companies.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 276152
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